Story by Barbara Hadley Smith
The Garden Club of Frankfort’s purpose is to encourage the knowledge and love of gardening; to aid in the protection of native plants, trees and birds; to be influential in the preservation of Frankfort’s history and beauty; and to inspire ourselves and others.
We carry out our objectives through a variety of programs and activities. Our members have established butterfly way stations, planted trees at elementary schools and removed invasive plants throughout the community. Our annual Home and Garden Tour raises funds to support several community projects.
Currently, those projects include colorful flowers in containers that brighten up the Paul Sawyier Public Library entrances; the Lillian Lindsey Memorial Garden adjacent to the Frankfort Women’s Club building; the landscaping around the chapel at the Frankfort Cemetery; the flower-filled cross on the grounds at First Presbyterian Church; and the plantings at the northwest end of the Singing Bridge.
Some of the members of the Garden Club have special connection to the sites. Lillian Lindsey was one of the early Frankfort Women’s Club members who founded the Paul Sawyier Public Library and then, in 1924, started the Garden Club of Frankfort. For many years, the club held its monthly meetings at the First Presbyterian Church and helped maintain the garden there. Today, that work is done by members of the congregation who are in the club.
A committee of the Garden Club worked with city government and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to landscape the median in front of the Capital Hotel. However, the responsibility for maintenance is with the government agencies. Recently, members have cleaned up the garden around the cemetery chapel and put in plants at the corner of the Singing Bridge.
The Garden Club of Frankfort will celebrate a century of existence in 2024 with special activities. The club welcomes new members who share a love of gardening, flowers, the environment and the beautification and preservation of the community. The club meets the second Friday of the month for fun and informative programs. If interested, send an email to Bhsmith2010@gmail.