So, our community has been gearing up for Christmas … for some of our venues, since September!
Aren’t you excited? And, we can look forward to a variety of Christmas themed events in December: Christmas themed plays, a parade through our downtown area, workshops for some DIY Christmas projects, some amazing lights and decorations.
Sometimes … sometimes amidst all the festivities it is easy to forget the “why.” For some, the Christ story is not “the reason for the season.”
But for most of us, all such festivities pale in comparison to the real reason — celebrating the third most important day since … well … creation.
Our Creator God stepped into our world … on a mission, proving that the Creator who is clearly powerful and smart is also caring and good. Of course, “Christmas” was not the mission.
Jesus came into the world to go to a cross, in our place (the second most important day since creation), and then to rise from the dead three days later (the single most important event, for us, since creation itself).
During the Christmas season, many of our churches try to pull out all of the stops. We’ll be doing the same at Capital City Christian Church.

We’d love to have you and your family stop by and join us for our celebration of Christ’s birth in December. Check out what will be taking place at the church:
• Jingle Jam: Wednesday, Dec. 20, 6:30 p.m. This will be a fun-filled, interactive, family Christmas event, with plenty of Christmas themed snacks.
• Journey to Bethlehem/Stations of the Nativity: Thursday through Friday, Dec. 21-22, 3-9 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 23, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Participants will experience each chapter of the Christmas story, with readings, tactiles and reflection questions. Don’t just read the story, enter the story … if you can!
• Christmas Eve worship services: Sunday, Dec. 24, 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Could there be any better way to celebrate Christmas than to worship the God who made it happen?
By the way, if not Capital City Christian, enjoy Christmas with one of the other fine, God-honoring churches here in Frankfort. None of us were made to go it alone!