The Lighting of the Trace took place Nov. 30, 2023, at Buffalo Trace Distillery. (Photographs by Charlie Baglan)
Katie Wilhoite and Adanna HydasShamus, Oliver, Elliot, Brittney and Simon StaubachRandy, Cali and Karoline BorupAngela Witten and Breanna SanfordLisa and Charlene Thompson, and Victor AdornoMichael Keicher and Deven JacksonRhonda Kays, Audria Story, Jessica Putly, Julia Welsh and Jeannean ThomasDallas Wills, Daniel Wills and Logan CurryKevin and Molly DewsAbby and Rorey HigginsHilly Dobner and Brooke ColburnGabriel and Jolene Sutton with ThunderLogan, Robby and Haylie Bush with ThunderBack row, from left, Cheyenne May, Santino and Kaidence Tillman; front row, Karter, Kingston, Kamden TIllmanCoby Payne, Peyton Foley, Hadley Richerson, Sherry Payne, Chuck Wimer and Trenton Richerson