As college students discussing art and literature in their dorm rooms in Lexington, Larry Moore and Steve Taylor never expected to create a cultural promotion company that would allow them to share their passions. When Moore and Taylor chartered that company, Broadstone Media LLC — nearly three decades later — they never expected it to launch a thriving literary press that would go on to publish more than two dozen books annually and last to celebrate its 20th anniversary — but Broadstone Books is doing exactly that this year.

Named for a portmanteau of the street addresses of the alma maters of founding member Moore, who attended Transylvania University on Broadway, and member emeritus Taylor, who attended University of Kentucky on Limestone Street, Broadstone Books is a Frankfort-based small literary press that deals primarily in poetry. With nearly 160 titles released since its first in 2003, Sheila Bucy Potter’s “Home Place and Other Poems,” Broadstone has published the work of a wide variety of poets from across the United States, from Wyoming to the Hudson River Valley. Broadstone’s catalog includes well-established authors, as well as serving as a platform for many writers just embarking on their journeys as published poets.
In the two decades since releasing its first book of poetry, Broadstone has added to its ranks editor-in-chief Sheila Bucy Potter, design partner Stephanie Potter, marketing director Morgan Saylor and associate editor Eileen Bunch, along with frequent Zoom-crasher DeeCee the office cat. Together, under the leadership and hard work of managing member Moore, the team works to publish 25 books each year — more than the press put out in its first 10 years combined.
In honor of the press’s 20th anniversary, Broadstone Books will be holding a celebration at Paul Sawyier Public Library from noon to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 30, featuring readings from two decades of Broadstone poets, including local favorites such as Kentucky State Poets Laureate Richard Taylor and Jeff Worley.
To learn more, purchase Broadstone titles, and view the full line-up of poets for the 20th anniversary celebration, visit